
Beverage Plant Metabolism and Quality Improvement

Tea, coffee and cacao are three most popular beverage crops of great economic importance to the world. Their quality attributes, such as aroma, flavor, stimulants and various biochemical compounds related to human nutrition and health, are the primary targets for cultivar development, crop management, postharvest and beverage processing.

We invite papers, from a range of disciplinary perspectives, that aims to improve quality attributes of beverage plants, including tea, coffee, cacao and other plant species used for beverage production. The key topics include, but not limited to, new findings or technical advances in areas of metabolite analysis, utilizing genetic resources for quality improvement, identification of functional genes responsible for key metabolites, elucidation of metabolic pathways and regulatory networks. New methodologies or protocols, including breeding method, genomic, transcriptomic or metabolomic tools, integrations of multi-omics analysis, and processing procedures for quality improvement are also welcome.

Guest Editors

Weiwei Wen, Huazhong Agricultural University, China
Dapeng Zhang, USDA-ARS, USA
Liang Chen, Tea Research Institute,CAAS, China

Submission Deadline

December 31, 2024. All papers will be published online after acceptance.

Submission Instructions

Please submit the full manuscript to Beverage Plant Research via our online submission system. Please choose the topic of this Special Issue when submitting and specify it in your cover letter. For further inquiries, please contact guest editors:

Weiwei Wen (
Dapeng Zhang (
Liang Chen (