Figures (8)  Tables (1)
    • Figure 1. 

      Statistical distribution of fragrance types in chrysanthemum accessions.

    • Figure 2. 

      Chrysanthemum materials used in the experiment. (a) Chrysanthemum indicum L.; (b) C. × morifolium 'Xiaokuixiang'; (c) C. × morifolium 'Quehuan'; (d) C. × morifolium 'Bairuixiang'; (e) C. × morifolium 'Qihuang'; (f) C. × morifolium 'Sigong'.

    • Figure 3. 

      Proportions of volatile organic compounds in chrysanthemum with different fragrance types.

    • Figure 4. 

      Analysis of main volatile substances in Chrysanthemum with different fragrance types. (a) Analysis of main volatile substances in 'Sigong' with chrysanthemum fragrance; (b) Analysis of main volatile substances in Chrysanthemum indicum with artemisia fragrance; (c) Analysis of main volatile substances in 'Qihuang' with medicinal fragrance; (d) Analysis of main volatile substances in 'Bairuixiang' with perfume fragrance; (e) Analysis of main volatile substances in 'Quehuan' with sweet fragrance; (f) Analysis of main volatile substances in 'Xiaokuixiang' with fruity fragrance. FW: fresh weight.

    • Figure 5. 

      Bubble chart of volatile organic compounds specific in different fragrance types of chrysanthemum accessions.

    • Figure 6. 

      Analysis of volatile substances in different stage of flower in 'Xiaokuixiang' . (a) Different stage of flower in 'Xiaokuixiang'; (b) Proportions of volatile organic compounds in three stages; (c) Analysis of main volatile substances in different stage of flower in 'Xiaokuixiang'.

    • Figure 7. 

      Analysis of conserved volatile compounds in 'Xiaokuixiang' and its offsprings. Different colors represent different accessions.

    • Figure 8. 

      A model for the fragrance types of chrysanthemum and main volatile substances of fruity fragrance. There is the classification and representative chrysanthemum of every fragrance type on the left, main volatile substances of fruity fragrance are on the right.

    • Chrysanthemum cultivarsChrysanthemum
      fragrance (%)
      fragrance (%)
      fragrance (%)
      fragrance (%)
      fragrance (%)
      fragrance (%)
      Chrysanthemum indicum8.3391.670000

      Table 1. 

      Statistics foruation of chrysanthemum fragrance.