
Food for Sustainability and Health

A special issue of Finland-China Cooperation Network on Food and Health

Food and nutrition security is a grand challenge globally. Food production and consumption are among major contributors to biodiversity loss and climate change. A transition to a more sustainable food system is urgently needed to ensure safe and healthy food for the rapidly growing world population within the ecological limits of the planet.

Finland and China have food systems with strikingly different operating models and cultural backgrounds. Both countries have strong and complementary expertise in food science and technology. The Finland-China Cooperation Network on Food and Health (FCFH-Network) is a pilot project of the global internationalisation programme launched by the Ministry of Culture and Education of Finland. The FCFH-Network aims to enhance scientific and technological know-how to address the global challenges of food security, malnutrition and climate change by promoting the cooperation between universities in the two countries. The FCFH-Network covers research and innovation of a broad scope of food and on various topics of health related to food and diet. In addition to collaboration within academia, the FCFH-Network strongly emphasize collaboration with industry encouraging industrial-academia collaboration as well as providing a platform for companies from both countries to meet and to develop business partnerships.         

This special issue aims to highlight the Finland-China cooperation in research and innovation on food sustainability and health effects of food. The special issue invites full-length articles, short communications, and reviews/mini reviews and perspectives.

●  Sustainable food system including the different aspects of the whole value chain from primary production to food consumption and consumer behavior.

●  Nutrition and health effects of food.

●  Food and health technologies with special focus on green and digital technologies.  

Guest Editors


Prof. Dr. Baoru Yang

University of Turku, Finland

Interests: Lipid chemistry; Polyphenols; Quality and health effects of food


Prof. Dr. Marina Heinonen

University of Helsinki, Finland

Interests: Chemical food safety; Protein oxidation and protein-lipid interactions; Food composition


Prof. Dr. Marjukka Kolehmainen

University of Eastern Finland, Finland

Interests: Food nutrition and health; Gut microbiota and gut barrier function


Prof. Dr. Haixia Yang

China Agricultural University, China

Interests: Food nutrition and health; Natural products and chronic disease control


The deadline for manuscript submissions is Aug 31, 2024, but we can accommodate extensions on a case-by-case basis. All papers will be published as open-access articles upon acceptance.

Submission Instructions

Please submit the full manuscript to Food Innovation and Advances via our online submission system and select this special issue. For further inquiries, please contact Guest Editors: 

Professor Baoru Yang (

Professor Marina Heinonen (

Profesor Marjukka Kolehmainen (

Professor Haixia Yang (